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Minister Richardson receives MOUs signed at ICAO Conference; Agreements create avenues for new airlift and more visitors.

tedrichardsonreceivesmoussignedaticaoconferencefromlouishalley20122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication Hon. Ted Richardson on Thursday received five Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) that were signed by Sint Maarten at the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Sixth International Air Services Negotiation Conference held in early December in Durban, South Africa.

Once the MOUs are finally concluded, airlines from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Brazil, Finland, Switzerland, and the Dominican Republic will be able to have direct scheduled air service to country Sint Maarten. Another MOU with Jamaica is pending and discussions still have to take place with Paraguay, Sweden and Trinidad & Tobago who have shown an interest in Sint Maarten.

Trinidad & Tobago has presently a very limited air service agreement that they would like to extend. One of the most interesting air service agreements is with the UAE which recently ordered – November - approximately US$100 billion in passenger aircraft during the Dubai Air Show.

Minister Ted Richardson at the handover on Thursday morning said a mandate was provided to Section Civil Aviation to start discussions with countries interested in having air links with country Sint Maarten.

At the Durban conference, approximately 400 delegates attended representing 73 countries. During the conference 500 meetings were held and 506 air service agreements were signed. The Kingdom of the Netherlands signed the most agreements.

Currently 30 million flights are flown annually and this will grow to 60 million over the next 16 years, while the total number of passengers served will rise to six (6) billion from today's three (3) billion.

Minister Richardson added that it was a great pleasure for him to be working professionals from the Civil Aviation Department and within his Cabinet which allows country Sint Maarten to move to the next step.

"The countries chosen to sign agreements with are part of the synergy with the Airport where it concerns the airlift development plan for the enhancement and the further promotion of tourism for the country.

"We have been working behind the scenes diligently and have carefully planned our steps in order to reap results. Airlift agreements with other countries are necessary in order to attract more visitors to our country which results in more business for everybody including the airport," Minister Hon. Ted Richardson said on Thursday.

The Sint Maarten delegation to the conference comprised of Louis Halley, Arsenio Rombley, Cheryl Shewpersad and Danae Daal, from the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is a United Nations (UN) body that takes care of the standards to be maintained in the civil aviation industry. ICAO was formed in the year 1944.

ICAO takes care of the standards and safety measures to be followed for civil aviation industry in the world. ICAO services as the global forum for its 191 Member States.

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