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St. Maarten Academy sends off 55 at graduation ceremony.

sxmacademygraduation20122013CUL DE SAC:--- It was a night of pomp and ceremony, speeches and cultural performances, as St. Maarten Academy hosted its graduation ceremony Wednesday for all 55 students who successfully completed this year's Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations. The theme for the evening was "Dream, Believe, Plan, Act".
Graduating valedictorian was science major Devesh Laungani, while Aldair Petronilia copped the awards for first runner-up valedictorian and Most Outstanding Science Student, as well as the Parent Teachers Foundation award for being the only graduate who made the Honour Roll from first to fifth forms. Karen E. Feliz Urbaez received the award for second runner-up valedictorian. All three students received a special monetary gift from the School Board.
Some of the highlights of the evening included an awe-inspiring saxophone presentation by D'Arcy Duffis Duke, who graduated cum laude; and a surprise black light hand mime by some members of the Class of 2013.
The Principal's Prize for outstanding contribution to the school went to Charisse Gumbs, who served as president of the school's Student Government Association, as well as a member of the Interact Club. The Principal's Prize for outstanding academic performance was shared by cum laude graduates Vishnu Harnarine, Caroline Macdonna Nolasco, and Lilawatee Arjune, the latter of whom graduated in absentia.
Khailo Chance was awarded Most Outstanding Business student, while Shemar Bute and Keiren Franklyn, were given the awards for Most Athletic Male and Female students, respectively.
Former student Doran Joseph, who recently graduated from St. Thomas University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, implored the graduates to take risks and face their fears of failure to become the type of citizens St. Maarten needs.
"Our young nation is being thrust into a new year of uncertainty. The wars and struggles of the world at large continue as usual but are drowned out by the more immediate cries of our own people for opportunities. Many of our leaders have lost the confidence of their people, our national treasury has been severely reduced, congestion and unemployment still plague our society and the eyes of our youth no longer seem to shine with hope as they once did generations ago," said Joseph who delivered the feature address.
"The time for your success story to begin is now. Do not wait until you are older or more educated to start thinking up the solutions to the problems that we face. The time for creativity and innovation is now," said Joseph. The same sentiments were echoed by Minister of Education Patricia Lourens-Philip who stressed that education is a marathon that must be run by all and as such, they should stay adaptable, flexible and be innovative.
Wednesday night was an especially proud moment for the school's principal, Mr. Shareed Hussain, who announced the imminent start of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) at the school next academic year. School Board member, Mr. Roland Duncan noted that the school is always progressive.
"Throughout its history, the St. Maarten Academy has had a great reputation of dreaming and achieving excellence. The class of 2013 shared this belief [and] they maintained the tradition of excellence. This year we have excellent results as usual. Every student of the class of 2013 passed all subjects at one sitting in May-June examinations of 2013. This represents a passing rate of 100%. We salute the graduating class for this fantastic performance," Mr. Hussain said.
Fifteen students passed 11 subjects, 11 students passed 10 subjects, 12 were successful in nine subjects, nine copped passes in eight subjects, and three students passed seven subjects. Two students scored passes in five and six subjects. Most colleges and universities accept students who pass at least five subjects with Grades I, II and III at the CXC examinations.
Mr. Hussain encouraged the Class of 2013 to continue to dream for excellence, believe in themselves, plan carefully, act responsibly, and unleash their potential.

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