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eugeneholiday24122013My Fellow Sint Maarteners,

I extend warm Christmas greetings to you and yours at home and abroad.

I do so in the spirit of the words of the apostle Paul which call for us to continue to honor our "...... Obligation To Love One Another" (Romans 13:8). Words that breathe the enduring gift of Christmas.

In our relationships with each other let us in the spirit of the season embrace these words. For while we can pay our debts as they come due, there is one debt you and I can never finish paying; it is the debt of love that we owe our neighbor and thus to our country.

As we celebrate Christmas and close off this year let us take time out to reflect on the favorable, not so favorable and unfavorable developments in our lives and society in 2013. And as we do so it is important to recognize that individually and as a nation we have been tested and at times fell short in fulfilling our obligation one to another and our nation. Grateful for the favorable developments and mindful that we will continue to be challenged it is essential that we renew our commitment towards our duty to fulfill our responsibility to our country. For every act of kindness to one another – be it to a foe, stranger, visitor, colleague, friend, brother or sister – is a response to our calling, as the friendly people of the friendly island, to comply with our obligations towards a more just Sint Maarten.

In celebrating Christmas amongst family and friends, we celebrate the presence of the highest form of love. I therefore encourage you to embrace the enduring love of the season now and into the new year and to project it to our country. For love is the enduring spring out of which all good, kind and lasting deeds flow. It is the spring that you and I must always keep open and flowing with the purpose of the perfecting of our society for the betterment of all.

It is in the spirit of our obligation to love one another that Marie-Louise and I, wish you and your family, joyous and safe holidays filled with the sustaining love and peace of Christmas!

God bless you and God bless Sint Maarten.

The Governor of Sint Maarten
Eugene B. Holiday

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