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Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Presents Tokens of Appreciation to Elderly on Christmas Eve.

swescotwilliamspresentstokensofappreciationtoelderly27122013PM: "Thank you for all that you have done contributing to our country"

BELVEDERE:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams, supported by contributions from the Princess Juliana International Airport, presented gift vouchers to tenants at the Senior Citizen's Home in Belvedere on Christmas Eve. During her presentations the Prime Minister stated that it was her hope that the gifts, as tokens of appreciation for all the elderly have done for the country, will make the holiday season all the more special. "I try to make it especially to visit the elderly during the Christmas token. Although this is a small token of our appreciation I hope that it will contribute to making the Holiday Season a little more festive. Formally we would get together and celebrate but the feeling of gratitude to all of you, for the many years that you have put in for helping build St. Maarten, we are very grateful and we wish you God's blessing and all of the best for the upcoming year 2014," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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