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Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Fleming-Artsen Meets with S4 Regarding Student Affairs.

jflemingartsenspeakingwithroosleerdam03032014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Josianne Fleming-Artsen recently met with Office Manager Roos Leerdam of St. Maarten Students Support Services (S4) in The Hague to discuss status of students and their challenges while studying in the Netherlands.

S4 is looking for two full-time student counselors and a director. It is hoped that a St. Maartener can be found soon to fill the director's position.

"I am encouraging young St. Maarteners living abroad to consider applying to work with S4. These are opportunities for our people," Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Josianne Fleming Artsen said on Sunday.

S4 was established to ensure proper guidance and supervision of St. Maarten students in the Netherlands.

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