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Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Singles Out Foundations in Providing Support in Social Development.

swescotwilliams04032014PHILIPSBURG:--- During her opening remarks at the Capacity Building Workshop for NGO's on Monday the Prime Minister Emphasized the essential and important roles NGOs play in especially the Social Development of St. Maarten. The PM highlighted that with the capacity training workshop the NGO's will be able to reinforce their essential role within the community: "When we conceptualized the INDP program one of the requirements was that we should build capacity amongst the NGO's. A lot of work went into putting the right structure in place and making sure we got the participation in getting as many NGO's involved. This is about assisting you in your very important work that you are doing and to strengthening your capacity. There are so many very positive initiatives on St. Maarten and especially in the field of Social Development NGOs play an essential role. It is also a fact that in order to function as an NGO you need proper structures and accountability in place in order to carry out the work that you set out to carry out," emphasized the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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