GREAT BAY:--- The Division for Educational Innovation (DEI) held a certificate ceremony on Friday February 21st 2014 at the University of St. Martin for 60 students that completed a 12 week preparatory program. The preparatory program was held during the period of September 9th 2013 to December 20th 2013. The preparatory program was geared towards youngsters between the ages of 16 and 24 years old who did not complete secondary education and/or did not have any work experience. The Division of Educational Innovation was given the task of coordinating and executing the program. The program was completely funded by Usona, Dutch development funds.
Minister Lourens-Philip was in attendance and delivered a motivational speech to the youngsters. Minister Lourens-Philip commended the youngsters on their accomplishment thus far and encouraged them to continue on this path until their goals are reached.
In August 2012, The National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) held a registration drive where 377 persons registered. Of these 377 persons, 91 students fell in the criteria of the preparatory program. The program officially started on September 9th 2013 with 77 students. The preparatory program consisted of 12 weeks of the following classes; Introduction to Hospitality, Social Skills, Career Preparation, Introduction to Business English, Practical Training, Basic/Intermediate Computer training and Physical Education. The classes of the preparatory program were held at the NIPA. Of the 60 students that have completed the preparatory program, 55 students are continuing their education at the NIPA.