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Chippie & Caribserve Official Telecom Providers St. Maarten Heineken Regatta.

utsdonatestoheinekenregatta05032014PHILIPSBURG:--- Chippie, the mobile service of UTS, will once again be one of the major sponsors of the 34th annual St. Maarten Heineken Regatta .The mobile brand will be partnering with the Sint Maarten Yacht Club again to support the yearly event which brings many visitors to the island on a yearly basis. The company will also be offering various specials and promotions to the general public at the Regatta parties which will be held this weekend at various locations. "We've developed offers that we are certain our customers will appreciate. Even items that they will want to use right on the spot,' said UTS Marketing and Communications Officer, Ivy Lambert. 'We have been working with the Sint Maarten Yacht Club Regatta Foundation and Heineken for various years now and we are happy to be able to work with them again to assist them in staging this event. It gives our island a welcome economic boost at the beginning of slow-season,' Lambert continued. CaribServe, the broadband internet service of UTS will also participate as a sponsor of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. The brand is the official internet provider of the event, providing connectivity for real-time racing results on location. In addition there will be complimentary WiFi at the yacht club, WiFi service for the VIP areas at all the parties, as well as a larger WiFi-zone which will be accessible to the general public. 'To make any event a success, good communication is key and we're happy to assist the Sint Maarten Yacht Club by offering them our newest technologies to make their work a little bit easier,' Lambert stated. 'The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta has been receiving support from Caribserve and Chippie for many years. We have witnessed all the technological developments they went through and are very grateful with their contribution to our event. To be able to offer free WiFi to all our competitors and party goers is something that increases the overall experience immensely. In addition, all telecommunication is provided by Chippie, which makes it possible for our race committee and operational team to communicate during the event," explained Regatta Director Michele Korteweg.

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