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MHF Psychologist to attend 7th European conference on positive psychology in Amsterdam on July 1-4, 2014.

What are fundamental aspects of human flourishing? How can these aspects be used in interventions at the workplace, at schools and in communities? And how policies can be shaped for a flourishing society? These and many more topics will be addressed at the 7th European conference on positive psychology in Amsterdam from the 1st to the 4th of July 2014.

Past, present and future of positive psychology
Positive psychology is about studying and applying knowledge regarding positive emotions, well-being and flourishing of people in all circumstances, including those that are limited. Scientific knowledge is applied:

  • in schools, by reinforcing resilience and by creating a positive learning environment
  • in companies, by improving the strong points of employees and by promoting sustainable development
  • in health care, by reinforcing the well-being and resilience of (chronically) ill people
  • in communities, by promoting citizen initiatives, directed towards improving their well-being

"Transforming Care" Congress St. Maarten
Prof. Dr. Jan Walburg (Professor positive psychology University of Twente, the Netherlands and organizer of above mentioned congress) and Drs. Merel Haverman (Researcher at the Innovation Centre of Mental Health and Technology at the Trimbos, The Netherlands) were guest speakers at the "Transforming Care" congress which took place in St. Maarten at the Westin on September 30, October 1 and 2, 2013. During this congress an evening workshop was given, for the people of St. Maarten that feel some responsibility in helping to create conditions, that enhances flourishing of the population of St. Maarten.

Mental Health Foundation St. Maarten
Psychologist of the Mental Health Foundation Jolien Louwerse attended the lectures about Positive Psychology at the "Transforming Care" Congress in St. Maarten and immediately became very interested in the subject. Jolien feels this relatively new perspective on psychology could be a great asset for St. Maarten. More knowledge on how people and communities can flourish, despite of being exposed to certain risk factors would be helpful since many people grow up or live in a situation that is not ideal. She is looking forward to transfer and implement the information from the congress on St. Maarten. For more information about the positive psychology congress and/or registration please visit

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