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Controls on payment of Motor Vehicle Taxes 2014 to start on March 11, 2014.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Tax Administration, div: Receiver's office, hereby informs the general public that in cooperation with Police Dept. (KPSM), controls on payment for Motor Vehicle Taxes 2014 will commence as of Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 at 4:00PM. During this time, all vehicles must carry the 2014 lilac colored plates and must be visible to the police. This means, plates covered with tinted acrylic that are not legible are not allowed and the driver can be fined. In accordance with art. 25 of the Motor Vehicle Tax Ordinance, drivers/owners of vehicles who are non-compliant with the above-mentioned will be fined Naf. 300.00. In addition to the fine, drivers will have to endure the inconvenience of having their vehicles towed.

What to do in the event your vehicle is towed?
In the event your vehicle is towed, you must go to the Receiver's Office with valid insurance and inspection card and pay the motor vehicle taxes for the vehicle.
The tariffs for the Motor Vehicle Taxes 2014 are as follows:

License Plate Category

Gasoline (Nafls.)

Diesel (Nafls.)

M or P                                  

     275.00 + 12.50*  

750.00 + 12.50*


     275.00 + 12.50*

550.00 + 12.50*


     300.00 + 12.50*

750.00 + 12.50*


-35 passengers or less

     275.00 + 12.50*

550.00 + 12.50*

BUS/ G/ T                      

-36 passengers or more

     1250.00 + 12.50*

1250.00+ 12.50*


Weight less than 3500 kg ( 7700 lbs)

     275.00 + 12.50*

750.00 + 12.50*


Weight more than 3500 kg (7700 lbs)

   1250.00 + 12.50*

1250.00 + 12.50*

After making payment to the Receiver, you proceed with your motor vehicle tax receipt to the Police Department. The Police Dept. will provide you with a release form, with which you will go to the towing company specified on the release form in order to retrieve your vehicle.

How much will this cost?
In order to retrieve your vehicle, you will first have to pay to the towing company up to $ 85.00 towing charges and $ 15.00 per day storage fee.
Based on art. 25 of the Motor Vehicle Tax Ordinance, you will also have to pay the fine of Naf 300.00, issued by the police. This must be done at the Receiver's Office.

Press Release from Receiver's Office

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