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MP George Pantophlet says meeting must be convened immediately.

george21082009PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet said he will be requesting the President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell to schedule the reconvening of the meeting on developments at the inspectorate of taxes as soon as possible the latest next week. The president of parliament has to set a date in accordance with article 30 of the rules of order which gives the president the authority to do so. The actions taken by some employees at the inspectorate of taxes specifically in the audit department is a clear indication that something is amiss and it should not be allowed to continue. The Member of Parliament said that he would not be surprised if the majority of the staff feels the same way. It would be irresponsible of the president to insist on postponing this meeting indefinitely. We are talking about the most important revenue generating department on St. Maarten. There are persons who have worked there for over 20 years and they expressed never in their experience has it been like this. The Minister of Finance Mr. Martin Hassink is in the possession of a report or quick scan that was done by Mr. Frederick. According to this quick scan, interviews were done with staff and it is proven that indeed the present manager does not possess the skills to properly supervise the department and something he himself agrees with. The Minister of Finance met with the staff and said he did not want to air their dirty laundry so he wanted to resolve the problem internally and not air the dirty laundry. Well minister the stench is strong. He promised to get back to them in 3 weeks' time. Six weeks have gone by and still no action has been taken by the Minister of Finance. The director according to information himself does not possess the skills and knowledge to manage the department but is being paid handsomely while his contract expired some time last year. Are we going to receive a performance report? We are talking about a salary in the range of some 170 thousand guilders monthly excluding housing allowance and so on. We cannot have disgruntled employees working anywhere in government especially in such an important department. President do the honorable thing and call the meeting.

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