PHILIPSBURG:--- In an effort to improve the in-service/professional development plans throughout Foundation Based Education (FBE) schools, the Department for Educational Innovations (DEI), with funding support from USONA, convened a series of workshops focused on in-service and professional development in FBE and PSVE schools. This was spawned as a result of the 2009 SOAB Audit report, which indicated that "the School Boards and School Managers were found to be in the need of support in teacher training and upgrading."
These workshops, which were facilitated through IMBRACE by Jacqueline Louis, CEO and Dr. Velda James, were held over a three-week period from February 11-27. Specific days were focused on a workshop program designed beyond the emphasis on "training" to a broader focus on the "professional development" process from the distinct perspectives and roles of School Boards, and School Managers. Topics of discussion included: Issues & Opportunities of In-Service Training; Strengths, Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), the Importance & Difference of Training & Development; the Roles and Responsibilities of Teachers, School Managers and School boards, and the need for an efficient school team flow of communications, planning and program initiatives in an ongoing Professional Development process.
"These workshops are only the beginning of what should be a continual process to grow the expertise, skills and teaching and learning didactics employed throughout the schools," shares Jacqueline Louis, Workshop Facilitator. "The participants were fully engaged as they recognized the importance of the workshops with the goal of providing the framework, stimulus and guidance for their respective Professional Development initiatives. In the end it is our students who ultimately stand the benefit the most from improved teaching practices and communities of learning throughout the schools."
A template was also provided for participants as a guide to create Professional Development Plans for each school, with guidance on 10 Key Principles to design the Plan, namely formulating strategies, short term, midterm, and long term goals, as well as a 7-Step Implementation process, among other guidelines. The participating school Boards and School Managers are now tasked with creating policies completing their plans, forming professional networks/associations and communities of learning, and creating viable partnerships to work together and pursue community-wide campaigns and fundraising initiatives. Building upon the quote: "it takes a village to raise a child," discussions were held to organize an "Adopt-A-School" campaign to encourage businesses and community organizations to sponsor these types of school initiatives. Overall participants indicated a need for ongoing assistance, as well as periodic trainings and workshops for School Board and Managers.
"We recognize the importance of these types of workshops, and will continue to assist with the ongoing professional development of our school communities, with the proper support from our government," says Oralie Boirard, Acting Head DEI Division.
DEI wishes to thank USONA for their continued support, the management and school boards of the FBE and PSVE schools for their active participation and the entire IMBRACE team for a job well done.