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Minister of Labor Calls on WIFOL President to Provide Proof to the Council of Ministers.

cdeweever19032014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Cornelius de Weever called on the President of WIFOL Theophilus Thompson to provide some kind of proof of the agreement he said the Sonesta Maho Group has with the Government of St. Maarten regarding an exchange program with Sandals Resort. Minister de Weever said the authority to issue employment permits rests with him and he took note of Mr. Thompson's statements in the media, and he is again saddened by his choice to bring non-factual matters to the forefront.

"In order to get this matter rectified, I am publicly requesting that Mr. Thompson provide the Council of Ministers with a copy of the agreement to which he is referring to that was made between this Government and the Sonesta Group of Companies, as it regards the so-called 'exchange program between Sandals Resorts in Jamaica and Maho/Great Bay'.

This Ministry is not only responsible for issuing employment permits, but is also responsible for the full compliance through the auspices of the Inspectorate.

Mr. Thompson also refers to the lack of training for persons on the Labor Market- and I must therefore also note, that this Ministry has spent thousands of guilders, payable to CIFSEF for the training of unemployed persons. We commend Mr. Thompson for his work with CIFSEF, and continue to encourage him to partner with other educational institutes to boost the quality of training being offered at CIFSEF as well.

"I believe in transparency and in principles of good governance – questions should be asked, and answers should be readily provided. However, one should not ask questions tainted with misperceptions garnered from personal experiences.

The Ministry has made it a mission to provide protection for all persons, in all categories, within all segments of our society. And we hold dearly the role each party needs to play in maintaining the balance, ensuring that well-being is sustained for all.

In this breath, I would like to present the 'Rights and Responsibilities' for Employees/Laborers. As a Country we recognize the need to address our Rights, ensuring that they are duly protected, but we must also recognize our Responsibilities – and in this respect to our employers."

Rights of Workers Brochure now available --- Workers must Know their Rights.

cdeweeverwithlabordeptstaff19032014The Minister of Labour and his staff presented a brochure on Wednesday which is geared at informing workers of their rights. The brochure was put together by the department's policy advisor on the orders of the Minister of Labour.

Head of the Department of Labor and Social Affairs Peggy Ann Dros told reporters that while there are workers who simply do not know their rights, she also has to commend the employers who have been doing the right thing by maintaining the labor laws on St. Maarten.

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