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Minister Lake says remuneration of NV GEBE Supervisory Board members in line with good corporate governance.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says he would like to inform the community with some factual information regarding remuneration of NV GEBE Supervisory Board members.

Minister Lake said that it has been brought to his attention that there was something published on the internet about the aforementioned which is not correct and borders on gossip.

"Even though we respect freedom of speech, individuals must be aware that it also comes with a responsibility to respect others and not to slander and instigate hate. These are punishable by law," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake pointed out on Monday.

Minister Lake added that the majority of Sint Maarten's people get their news from mainstream media who report news and do their due diligence when they publish a story in line with proper media principles and procedures.

In line with transparency, accountability and openness, Minister responsible for Energy Affairs provided the following information with respect to remuneration of supervisory board members.

The remuneration of members of NV GEBE Supervisory Board is based on an April 15, 2009 decision of the Island Territory of St. Maarten which also applies to other large government owned companies.

The overall remuneration for a chairman is Naf.3.750 per month before taxes and for members of the supervisory board, Naf.2750 per month before taxes.

NV GEBE Supervisory Board Laptop/Phone Issuance Policy, article 1, adoption of policy: This policy statement was adopted by the Managing Board of NV GEBE as of January 1st, 2013, and must be complied with by all members of the Supervisory Board of NV GEBE who wish to obtain a laptop and, or phone from NV GEBE.

NV GEBE offers these tools for board members to utilize in connection with their function related duties. It is the philosophy of NV GEBE that these tools can be used to enhance the productivity of the board members and further the efficient accomplishment of tasks that benefit the business and prospects of the NV GEBE.

Article II, 2.0 Laptop: All board members will be issued a Company laptop for use in connection with the business on behalf of NV GEBE.

Article III, 3.0 Cellular Telephone: All board members will be issued a Company cellular telephone for use in connection with the business on behalf of the Company.

"It is very unfortunate that there are people out there who want to create an image of a banana republic, not bearing in mind that they are hurting all the people with their gossip writing. Get your facts straight, and write in an un-bias manner and without an agenda. You are doing damage to the country and its people. I am open and transparent and I can't do the people's business on hearsay and a responsible journalist and media house doesn't right based on hearsay," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

All five of the Supervisory Board of Directors was appointed with the approval of the Corporate Governance Council. The Council specifically praised the proven capabilities and knowledge of Veronica Jansen with regards to GEBE matters in their letter of approval.

Even though Veronica Jansen sits on the board of NV GEBE and is Chief of the Cabinet of Minister VROMI, from the onset her responsibilities related to GEBE within the Cabinet were taken over by senior policy advisor Joe Richardson, therefore putting to rest any semblance of a conflict of interest.

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