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Capacity of the Cabinet of Minister Plenipotentiary Strengthened in Various Key Areas.

perrygeerlingsgraduatesfromprestigiousclingendaelacademy24032014Director of Cabinet Perry Geerlings Graduates from Prestigious Clingendael Academy in International Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, EU Project Management and Public Administration

THE HAGUE, Netherlands:--- The Director of the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Perry Geerlings has strengthened the capacities of the Cabinet through completing various courses as it pertains to St. Maarten's interests in the European Union, foreign relations and international diplomacy and public administration. Now Geerlings, as Director of the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary, has certifications in Project Management and EU Funding received from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics and Law in Berlin; EU Representation in Multilateral Organizations from the Clingendael Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Public Administration from the Netherlands Bestuursacademie and finally he recently graduated from a Post Masters Course in International Diplomacy and Foreign Relations also from the prestigious Clingendael Institute in The Hague.

Through the qualified expertise of Geerlings the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary is strengthened in its capacity to represent St. Maarten in the Netherlands and beyond in various aspects including International Diplomacy and European Union Project Management. "With the support of the Government of St. Maarten we were able to broaden the capacity of the Office of the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary for which I am very grateful," Geerlings said; "In my capacity of Director of the Cabinet I now have a more in-depth insight into many aspects of diplomacy, project management and public administration law which will further enhance St. Maarten's representation in Holland, the EU and beyond," continued Geerlings.

"These acquired skills are most necessary since St. Maarten, through the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary, is part of a variety of discussions and decision making processes and forums here in The Hague but also in Brussels at the EU; discussion for instance regarding sanctions imposed on other countries or matters pertaining to security of The Kingdom and its allies as well as issues directly affecting St. Maarten and its people, such as the proposed Bosman Law or the issues affecting the direct relationship between St. Maarten and The Netherlands or St. Maarten, Saint Martin and France. These are just a view of the activities in which we are involved in and which emphasizes that St. Maarten is an active member of the international community. We should take our place in this community and come to the table well prepared.

"It is therefore important that we as a nation continue to strengthen our people and institutions. We at the Cabinet of the Minister Plenipotentiary will definitely continue to do so, resources permitted of course. That is why it is with pride that we can also announce that other members of the Cabinet have invested in their knowhow capacity and that of the Cabinet and country St. Maarten.

"Miss Carol Voges, head of the Economic Department at the Cabinet, who is our local representative in European Union affairs was recently elected as Treasurer of the Executive Committee of the Association of the Overseas Countries of the European Union ("OCTA"). Miss Voges, in order to enhance her performance in that forum, is presently finalizing a Masters course in EU Project Management at the earlier mentioned European Academy for Taxes, Economics and Law in Berlin.

The Minister Plenipotentiary of country St. Maarten is the representative of the St. Maarten Government in the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Council of Ministers of the Kingdom consists of the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the autonomous countries Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten and the Ministers of the Dutch government. Meetings of said Council of Ministers are convened every month or whenever it is necessary.

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