PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Romaine Laville along with the blessings of Minister of TEATT Ted Richardson unleashed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) he has negotiated between St. Maarten and Dominica.
Laville told members of the media at a press conference on Wednesday that he held several discussions with the Prime Minister of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit on several issues which he believes will benefit St. Maarten and its people. During the discussions the Prime Minister of Dominica agreed to grant five scholarships to students that are willing to pursue their education at the Dominica State University. The scholarships will include 1 student for the two year nursing program who will then move on to either Cuba or Venezuela to continue their studies, 2 students for business and 2 students for agriculture. All of the programs will last for period of two years after which the students can then transfer to any of the accredited affiliates of Dominica State University such as Monroe College or UWI. Laville said that the Dominica State University can accommodate 1,800 students.
MP Laville said the MOU he negotiated with Dominica will allow students from St. Maarten to pursue their education at the instate rate which is 2000 EC. Laville explained that the largest budget the Government of St. Maarten has is the Education budget and he believes that if some of the students can study in the neighboring Caribbean islands for the first two years it will cost the Government of St. Maarten much less. When asked by SMN News if students of St. Maarten/St. Martin cannot do the same programs at the USM and if his MOU and vision will not compete with USM, Laville said he does not believe that agreement he has in place will affect USM because not all students that receive scholarships go to USM, Holland, or the USA.
Laville further explained that he had discussions with the ambassador of Venezuela who agreed to extend the Petro Caribe agreement they have with Dominica to include St. Maarten. He said that the reason he did this is because he wants to lower the price for LPG fuel on St. Maarten which he said will allow families on St. Maarten to put a hot meal on their tables every day.
MP Laville is also looking into facilitating Dominica vendors who would bring fresh ground food and vegetables to the island while Dominica will offer St. Maarten students agricultural programs. His vision for the sale of fresh products from Dominica he said is to get one central location on the Dutch side where these vendors (both those from Dominica and St. Maarten) can sell their fresh produce.
Laville further stated in return Dominica wants a booth at PJAIE where they can promote their island as the next island to visit. He said Dominica also wants to have the statistics of the amount of visitors St. Maarten attracts to its shores.