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Ministry of Social Development looks at Social Data Banking.

GREAT BAY:--- The Ministry of Public Health Social Development & Labor has developed a policy framework Social Data Bank, which aims to inform on critical issues surrounding the setting up of a social data bank and describes the relevance of socio-economic data with regards to the development and evaluation of social policy and the various stakeholders therein.
"I am extremely happy that we will be getting this project on stream, as it will play a very important factor in making policies, developing legislation and priorities that will benefit our people at large," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever.
Social-data banking entails the compilation of relevant socio-economic data based on identified social indicators. This data will consist of a range of micro-information/data which has been deemed of pertinent importance for the development of social policy. Data banking aims to make available to policy makers a body of statistics comprised of data sets. The social data bank will contain all the relevant information on persons, families, households, benefits, jobs, from which statistical outcomes can be produced. It involves the collecting/gathering, storing, archiving, analyzing, reporting of data on input, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts as well as external factors, in a way that supports effective management and decision making.

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