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UP concerned about alleged election fraud reports for upcoming elections, calls on PM to have it investigated.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UP Party read with concern the comments of the Prime Minister in Monday's newspaper where she expressed alleged plans by an unknown individual(s)/group to use dummy ballots during the upcoming parliamentary elections, which she said would amount to election fraud. The UP Party Board is very concerned with this as Sint Maarten has always been known to have free, fair and credible elections, and is therefore calling on the Prime Minister to have this matter investigated by the respective authorities. Everything must be done to protect the integrity of the election process and ensure that the election results are credible, and that responsibility lies with the Prime Minister who has revealed the alleged election fraud reports. We must protect our democracy and Constitution at all costs. The outcome of the elections should reflect the will of the people. The UP Party Board also fully supports the Electoral Council intentions to educate the populace and in particular candidates who will be participating in the 2014 parliamentary elections via an information session in collaboration with the University of St. Martin about the electoral process. The UP Party urges the community to visit the websites of Government ( and of Parliament ( where the ordinances governing the new requirements are able to review and even download the files for sharing with friends and family.

United People's Party Board

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