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Judge of Instruction Ordered Immediate Release of Suspects Arrested in Money Laundering Case --- Prosecution to Study Decision.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday the judge of instruction ordered the immediate release of the two suspects that were arrested at PJIAE on March 19th, 2014 for a money laundering investigation. Prosecutor Tineke Kamps told SMN News that the judge terminated the pre-trial detention because the two suspects were held at the Philipsburg Detention Centre and not at the Pointe Blanche Prison where they could participate in the day program. Prosecutor Kamps said the judge of instruction said it's unlawful to keep suspects away from the day program. She stated in her decision that the suspects must have the possibility to participate in the day program and she did not think the renovation at the Pointe Blanche prison is a sufficient reason to keep the suspects away from the day program.

Prosecutor Kamp further stated that while the Prosecution has to execute the order given by the judge, they are currently studying the decision and looking into other possibilities since the renovation of the Pointe Blanche prison is also very important.

SMN News learnt that the police seized some 2.5 million dollars and a small plane on March 19th, 2014 at the Princess Juliana International Airport.

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