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TelCell presents Night of the Hit Makers show tickets to SMS contest winners.

telempresentsnightofthehitmakersticketstosmswinners01042014POND ISLAND:--- Fifteen music and carnival fans are the lucky winners of free tickets to see the upcoming Night of the Hit Makers show – sponsored by Mobile provider TelCell.

The winners all correctly answered different questions posed by TelCell in an ongoing SMS contest amongst TelCell mobile customers.
And for their winning prize, each was presented with a ticket for the show (valued at $40.00) by show promoter Mr. Bertaux "Mr. Rude" Fleming and members of the TelEm Group Core Carnival Team, at the TelEm Group main building, Monday.
"TelCell customers are once again participating fully in our latest SMS contest in the hope of being called as a lucky winner," said TelEm Group Carnival Core Group member, Xionara Vicario.
She said winners, including Aureanna Nation, the first winner from neighboring Saba, are very excited when they receive a call informing them they have won and when they can collect their winning prize.
The three questions posed to date on March 24, 26 and 27th are: The names of the artists and bands appearing on the night of the show, the main sponsor of the show and the date of the show, for which the respective answers were; Control Band, Shadow man, Cache Royale, Claudius Philips, Krosfyah and the Dragonaires as the performers, TelCell as the main sponsor and April 25th being the date of the show.
"There are many more tickets to be won every day until April 11th, so there is still time for more customers to get their free ticket to the biggest show in carnival this year," said Xionara.
The full list of SMS contest winners announced Monday are: Aureanna Nation, Yasmine Essed, Austin, Carnie Joseph, Earl Morrison, Dina Caprino, Kay Manners, Franklin Jones, Agnetha Heyting, Kevina Lake, Derbie Thompson, Chadilla Natais, Orlando Fleming, Magdaline Smith and one un-named.

Telem Press Release

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