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Ministry of VSA Donates HIV & AIDS Info. Material to the Library.

ministryofvsadonateshivaidsinfomaterialtopjl02042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A number of books, brochures, DVDs, and video cassettes on HIV & AIDS were donated to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA) on Friday evening. A special information table about HIV & AIDS was set up and will remain on display for one month. The informational material will then be incorporated throughout the library's collection. Minister Cornelius de Weever expressed his gratitude to the Director of the library, Mrs. Monique Alberts for their cooperation and thanked them for assisting in the fight against HIV & AIDS. "Providing access to more relevant information on HIV & AIDS is essential in order for the public and particularly the youth to make more informed decisions. This initiative at our national library will do just that, by providing an alternative location in which people can feel more comfortable to access this information at their own leisure", said Minister de Weever. Information on where to get tested is also available.
To mark the launch of the new information table available at the library, the Youth Wing from the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation held their first information workshop at the library Friday evening. They had a night filled with games, interactive presentations and open discussions conversations about staying safe from HIV & AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
For any other questions or information about HIV & AIDS the community can contact the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Tel: 553-26267 or contact Collective Prevention Services 542-3003.

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