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EXCLUSIVE: Owner of "Down to Earth" Denzel Milton says Minister Lake Promised him a job in Nazareth --- Young Entrepreneur made investments based on the promise.

denzelmilton04042014DUTCH QUARTER:--- The owner of Down to Earth, a company established by 28 year old Denzel Milton said he lost it when he went to the Government Administration Building on Thursday looking for the Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake.

Milton told SMN News in an exclusive interview on Friday that the Department of VROMI and Minister Maurice Lake promised to give his company a job to clean the Nazareth area. He said Minister Lake told him the contract for Waste and Place owned by James Richardson would have ended on Friday and Down to Earth would get the job without having to bid for it. Milton said the Minister told him that there would not have been any competition and it's a done deal the job will go to Down to Earth. Milton said based on that promise he hired some youths of Dutch Quarter who are also not working, while he renewed his license and purchased some equipment. He said he even made arrangements to rent heavy equipment because he was expected to start the cleaning around 2pm on Thursday.

A very emotional and frustrated Milton said he worked at the Airport on Thursday morning, then he returned to Dutch Quarter where he was supposed to start working with six other youngsters that were ready and waiting on him. Milton aka "Mojo" said that when he reached Dutch Quarter he saw some trucks moving material and James Richardson the owner of Waste and Place was working the excavator cleaning the area that Minister Lake and those at VROMI told him that was going to be given to Down to Earth. He said he approached Richardson and asked him what he was doing there because he knew that his contract had ended. Milton said Richardson told him that he was cleaning the area for free even though he had four Haitian men working at the time.

"When Richardson told me that I picked up a baseball bat and went to the Government Administration Building to see the Minister because I am tired of "sucking asses". I am St. Maartener and I have an established company and I want to work. While at the Government Building I was told that Minister Lake was not in and I then asked to speak with his assistant "OJ" who told me that he will not receive or speak to me because I was not in the right mood. At that point I asked to see Ramona Thomas because I wanted to make her aware of the situation. I did not threaten anyone and most of all I did not threaten Ramona Thomas. I work for Mrs. Thomas privately and I just wanted to let her know what Minister Lake and VROMI had done because I think it's the same people getting work all the time while the youths of Dutch Quarter that really want to work are being neglected." Mojo said a police officer came and arrested him and took him to the police station and the arresting officer told him that if he was in Curacao he could not have gone to the Government Administration Building with a baseball bat. He said the police took a statement from him and they informed him that anytime he wants to visit any government departments he has to first notify the police. Milton said after he gave that statement he was released.

Based on the documents provided to SMN News by Milton, Lake promise to give Down to Earth some 730 meters starting from the bridge in Nazareth. The company was supposed to clean the entire area alongside the roads and the trenches. Down to Earth is specialized in cleaning, landscaping, maintenance, and painting. Milton said that he also spoke to several Members of Parliament, namely Frans Richardson, Romaine Laville, and Patrick Illidge begging each of them to get the Government of St. Maarten to give him work. He said all the MPs kept promising him and some of them told him to hold on something will work out.

Milton said that when you look at other districts like St. Peters the youths of that area are getting work every time in their area but those in Dutch Quarter are forgotten. He said a particular radio host on the French side had a lot to say about him on his radio program without knowing him. Milton readily admitted that when he is angry it's hard for him to speak and express himself. He said for the past six years he had no run ins with the law all he has been focusing on is getting his company up and running so he too could develop himself. Mojo said once he was arrested and it was for a hit and run and some newspapers had a lot to write without even speaking to him.

When asked by SMN News reporter what message he wants to send to Minister Lake, Milton began crying and said that for him the Minister should keep on doing what he is doing.

Click here to view the documents provided to SMN News by Down to Earth.

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