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desmondtutu04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- As the saying goes, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." Regardless of the industry, the individual, the organization or opportunity, leadership plays a critical role in one's success or failure.

Consequently, Winair, the St. Maarten based regional airline which connects to Saba, Statia, St. Barths, St. Kitts and Nevis, is now partnering with Leadercast, a powerful leadership conference hosted by Victorious Living Foundation, to empower managers, business owners, educators, and leaders locally and within the region.

Fares are as low as $79.00 plus taxes and range from 25-60% off of regular fares. Victorious Living Foundation is grateful to Winair for providing this gesture and encourages persons on the surrounding islands to take advantage of this dynamite opportunity to not only be empowered by this conference of global leaders but also take some time to relax, and even shop while on St. Maarten.

Sonesta Maho, also recognizes the need to develop leaders worth following, which is Leadercast's mission, and has a Leadercast special for those attending the conference of $117.00 all inclusive (breakfast, lunch and dinner, and taxes) for a limited time.

Speakers at this year's Leadercast include:

  • Laura Schroff, New York Times bestselling author of An Invisible Thread ; a former Time advertising executive who helped launch three of the most successful start-ups in Time Inc. history: InStyle, Teen PEOPLE, and PEOPLE StyleWatch.
  • Andy Stanley, a sought-after leadership communicator, author, pastor, and the founder of North Point Ministries, Inc. has over a million followers weekly to his online podcasts etc. His books include, The Next Generation Leader, Visioneering, Enemies of the Heart, and The Principle of the Path.
  • Malcolm Gladwell, award-winning journalist and best-selling Author of David & Goliath, Outliers and The Tipping Point. He is Staff writer of the New Yorker magazine. In 2005 he was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People.
  • Dr. Henry Cloud, Clinical Psychologist, business and leadership Consultant and coach who specializes in coaching leaders, building teams, and developing organizational cultures. Author of over twenty books, including Necessary Endings, Integrity, and 9 Things A Leader Must Do.
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a world-renowned human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Beginning with his opposition to apartheid in South Africa, he has worked tirelessly to spread peace, justice, and democracy and to end racial divisions throughout the world. (broadcasting live from Cape Town, South Africa)

Not only do attendees get the chance to benefit from the powerful content shared by these global leaders, but by attending the conference, attendees also get the opportunity to subscribe to Leadercast Now, an everyday, leadership-learning environment designed to help persons become leaders worth following. It is carefully designed to deliver inspiration and action so that you can connect your learning to your life. Non-attendees locally and globally also have the opportunity to subscribe, but only attendees at Leadercast are able to access Leadercast 2014 after the live event. Victorious Living will provide an access code to persons interested in Leadercast Now, so that they receive a special discount.

Victorious Living applauds Telem, Nagico, the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, The David Company, SOS, Youth Radio, PJD2, WTN-TV, MSR-TV, Peterson Creative Media and others for seeing the need to raise the bar in our leadership by enrolling and partnering with this event.

The early bird special ends on April 15th and space is filling up quickly, therefore companies and individuals desiring to save should register by April 15th. Students receive a special discount and are encouraged to register. To register, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call, 1-721-524-8731 or FB: Leadercast 2014 SXM-VLF.

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