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Minister Lake says inciting violence will not be tolerated.

Young Sint Maartener taken advantage of by those with a political agenda

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Saturday met with Denzel Milton "Mojo" of Down to Earth as well as officials from Ministry VROMI to find out what transpired leading to Milton appearing in front of the Government Building with a baseball bat last Thursday.

Minister Lake stated in the meeting on Saturday that he does not condone nor accept any actions that threaten members of the Council of Ministers or the Government establishment of the country and or any individual.

Minister Lake also stated that he was astonished to hear from friends what was written on the blogs and that the story started to live a life by itself.

"I stated emphatically that I did not promise Milton that he would get work in Dutch Quarter. The Ministry of VROMI also did not promise Milton that he would get work, but that they are looking into other things in the Dutch Quarter community.

"In the meeting, Milton presented what he had experienced and all present also stated from their perspective what happened and at the end of the meeting everybody was satisfied with the outcome.

"It is very unfortunate that this young Sint Maartener was taken advantage of and pumped up by individuals with political agendas. This is not the society we know and at no point and time should one entice another to violence in executing your political agenda. Instead I would advise those behind this ploy to offer youngsters guidance in how to represent their businesses and their best interest. As well as guide and assist them when trying to obtain work.

"My Mom always taught me to be still and know that there is a God and the truth will eventually come out. I don't react to the blogs, because it's not based on facts, but melee, assumptions, insinuations and sensationalism. It goes too far and is sending the wrong message and inciting Sint Maarteners against each other and slandering individuals and hard working families. This type of behavior has to stop. As a small society we cannot continue to live by gossip and continue to tear others down. As society we must rise above this destructive behavior.

"The blogs and individuals with a political agenda are stooping to the lowest levels where they are inciting violence which Sint Maarten politics is not known for. I thank God for the principles I was brought up with. I pray every day for the almighty to give me strength to do the job that I accepted, on behalf of the people of this great nation to carry it out in an open transparent manner in the interest of all," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Minister Lake said during a walk-through in Nazareth, Dutch Quarter recently, to assess the work carried out in the district, included were officials from NV GEBE, James Richardson of Waste and Place, President of the Dutch Quarter Community Council Sidney de Weever as well as residents of the area.

"During the walk-throughs that took place, at no time was Down to Earth name mentioned as getting work within Nazareth. The work in Nazareth is being done via the aforementioned parties that took part in the walk-through.

"At no time did Maurice Lake, promise Denzel Milton or any other person that they were going to get work in Nazareth. The comment made in the melee blogs are simply amazing. It was said that the Waste and Place contract of John Richardson would end that week and Denzel Milton would get the job without having to bid for it, this too is simply amazing.

"Anyone who works with Maurice Lake can contest that that is not the way I operate. I follow the procedures as prescribed by national laws. The blogs play a role in the manner in which they re-lay information to the public and should therefore be held accountable for constant "slander" and mis-presentation of the facts and only writing melee. I do believe in freedom of speech, but there are limits and the line has to be drawn somewhere. As such I will be requesting the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten to have the necessary legal framework put in place for dealing with this newly developed media way of life," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

"I feel for the young gentleman Denzel Milton. He was taken advantage of for no good reason. This incident has left a bad taste in my mouth and sends a terrible message to the youngsters and young entrepreneurs. I understand that we are in an election year and that politics will be at the forefront for the politicians; however gutter politics is should not be the norm nor standard. Those on radio slandering, should do better because they know better, respect the people of this country and your person by providing facts, not here-say, melee, and grapevine talk, you are insulting the intelligence of the people.

"As a God fearing person who has the people at heart, I continue on the right track working in the interest of the people in an open and transparent manner, following the rules of good governance," Minister Maurice Lake concluded.

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