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President Arrindell opening speech at parliamentary tri-partite in Aruba.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell is currently in Aruba for the parliamentary tri-partite meeting of parliamentary representatives from Aruba, Curacao as well as Sint Maarten.

The tri-partite started on Monday, April 7 and continues on to Wednesday, April 9 when it concludes.


Dear colleagues from Aruba, CuraƧao and Sint Maarten,

Good morning, Bon Dia y Bon Siman,

On behalf of our delegation from Sint Maarten it is a pleasure to be here in Aruba again. Let me introduce the Mps from Sint Maarten: Roy Marlin, Frans Richardson, Johan Leonard, Patrick Ilidge, Romain Laville, Mr. Ralph Richardson and Griffier Jossy Semeleer.

When the invitation reached us we did not doubt in accepting the invitation. As part of the Caribbean part of the Kingdom we should be meeting each other on a more regular basis than waiting till the next IPKO to sit with each other at a table to discuss important matters affecting our respective people.

As sister islands we have more than constitutional ties with each other; we are family, we are related, we have a common history that goes way back. We have a common past that gives us the necessary instruments to face the future jointly in an ever globalizing world. Together we can come up for our common interest.

Even though we all have our separate status/autonomy as countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, we are still tied to each other as I said before.

Today being together in this first Tripartite in Aruba not only expresses and defines the importance that we give to continue strengthening our ties, but also shows the importance of dialogue with each other and the importance to discuss matters that are of common interest for our people. In this part of the world, being so far from the Netherlands and so close to the South American mainland, we have our feet in two major continents; each with their own characteristics. Being at this juncture gives us the unique opportunity to be the bridge between these two, Europe the Old World and South America and Central America which are the emerging countries which have a promising future. We as bridge-island between these two continents want to be an integral part of this future. We are member of Parlatino where we just attended a meeting. We all know how Panama is growing economically. This means that we, more than ever will have to work together to be on his band wagon.

As we go over the agenda, there are very important points to discuss. One of the first that pops up is the creation of joint Legislative Academy. Legislative lawyers being scarce in our countries and even in the Netherlands. Which makes this endeavor even more important. With this Academy we could pool our best jurist to get legislative products of high quality at a cost effective rate.

The Central Testament Registry in Curacao which is important to all of us. We are aware that its functioning leave much to be desired. By putting it on the agenda we will find a viable and finding a solution for the Registry will make the job of our notaries easier when searching for information for their clients. We hope to find a solution soonest for the decentralization thereof.

The UNICEF-rapport has been discussed in Sint Maarten and we are not overly happy with the picture this report paint of our youth. By discussing it we can come to a joint document wording our point of view and subsequently have this send to our governments.

Appeal in tax matters, or rather the impossibility for that, is an important issue that touches us all. We know that the way appeal works right now is not sufficient and not to the satisfaction of our people. We are looking forward to a solution concerning that as well.

The economic opportunities within the Kingdom have to be expanded and used more intensively. The Kingdom has so much to offer. Let's roll up our sleeves and create jobs for our people.

These are a few of the agenda point that we will discussing. We look forward to fruitful outcome. As we look at the President, Mrs. Marisol Lopez-Tromp, we have to congratulate her for being the second woman to occupy this important function in the political constellation of Aruba. We would like to wish her strength and wisdom in guiding these meetings. I congratulate her for this.

Awe cu nos ta hunto akinan na Aruba, Dushi Aruba, manera cariƱosamente e ta wordo yama, pa e prome reunion Tripartite entre Aruba, Corsow y Sint Maarten, e ta pa nos un orguyo y satisfaccion pa te cu coleganan den un ambiente puramente local y caribense. Manera mi a bisa anteriormente nos tin masha hopi en comun y hopi lazonan cu ta mara nos na otro. Cu esey den mente mi ta premira un reunion fructifero na unda nos lo sa di yega na palabracionnan den interes di nos paisnan.

Once more I wish you all a good discussion and thank you for having us here in Aruba.,

Masha danki.

drs. Gracita R. Arrindell

Oranjestad, 7 april 2014

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