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TEAM VSA Youth Vybz Launches Video Contest.

cdeweeveratcreativethinktanksession07042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Team VSA's Youth Vybz Video Contest officially launched on Monday April 7th. All persons residing on the Dutch side of St. Maarten between the ages of 13-25 are eligible to enter the contest. Participants can choose to make a video on their own or to work in teams with a maximum of four members. To enter visit YOUTH VYBZ on Facebook, fill out the Entry Form, choose your category/topic/ and question(s), create video and submit video on FB via a message or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Make sure your video is in accordance to the rules and regulations. For more information, visit YOUTH VYBZ on Facebook. Deadline for submission is April 18th at midnight.
This initiative was developed for the youth by the youth in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA). Team VSA Youth Vybz is a group of talented youths from the various secondary schools on the Dutch side of the island who have been working closely with the Ministry as a think tank to develop and execute educational projects for their peers.
The initial project idea was to develop a TV Show about Healthy Lifestyles however this concept has evolved into a video contest followed by a Youth Night where the winners of the Video Contest will be announced. The objective of the contest is to stimulate discussions about various health, social and labor issues that the youths are experiencing.
"We have conducted surveys amongst our peers and have had numerous open discussions. From these discussions a list of topics was developed along with questions that we found to be prevalent in the minds of our peers on St. Maarten", said Youth Vybz member Jeffeny Fidel. Some of the most popular topics were bullying, teenage pregnancy, depression, and eating healthy, among others. Video submissions must be based on this list of topics. The winning videos will then be used as Public Service Announcements.
"The youth remain a vulnerable group in our society and giving them a voice is important to better understand their needs", said Minister Cornelius de Weever. He further expressed his gratitude to the Youth Vybz members and teachers who have worked really hard to make this project come to life. "Many of the members are in their last year and have been extremely busy with exams, however they still managed to come up with this great project. Everyone is excited and I cannot wait to see the videos that get submitted."

Click here to view Team VSA's Youth Vybz Video Contest List of Topics.

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