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Minister of TEATT Yet to Submit MP Laville's MOU to Council of Ministers.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of TEATT Ted Richardson has not yet submitted the MOU Member of Parliament Romaine Laville and him unleashed to the media some two weeks ago. Responding to questions posed to Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams on Wednesday, Wescot Williams said she saw the MOU but to date the Minister of TEATT has not submitted it to the council for its approval. When asked if she was in favor of the MOU, Wescot Williams said that whenever that MOU is presented to the Council of Ministers they would first have to seek advice from the various Ministries while she herself would have to get advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs since the agreement deals with countries outside of the Kingdom.

Some two weeks ago, Minister Ted Richardson and Romaine Laville told reporters they made an agreement with the Prime Minister of Dominica to provide five scholarship to students from St. Maarten in order for St. Maarten students to pursue higher education in Dominica. Laville also said he made agreements for St. Maarten to purchase LPG gas at a lower cost through an agreement Dominica has with Venezuela. While the Member of Parliament said he had several discussions with the Prime Minister of Dominica and Venezuela's Ambassador, the Government of St. Maarten was not involved in the negotiations.

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