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Policy on Government Vehicles Might Have to be Revised --- WICLU Raised Valid Questions.

sarahwescotwilliams09042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The points raised by the President of the Windward Islands Chamber of Labor Unions Derie Leonard on the policy government put in place about the use of government vehicles are valid, says Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

Wescot Williams said she does not think government had to go through the GOA when they were drafting the policy but she does believe that the points raised by the unions are valid and government would have to revisit the policy. Wescot Williams said she did not want to jump ahead and say whether or not government was going to amend the policy to exclude emergency workers such as the police, fire department and the ambulance personnel from the policy on the use of government vehicles.

Last week the WICLU told members of the media that they believe that government should have more control on the use of government vehicles but to have emergency workers pay for damages caused to vehicles while they are on duty was over the limit.

Leonard said civil servants such as Secretary Generals should park up government vehicles after 5pm and use their own vehicles. The WICLU believes that government will save monies this way and they would not need to buy as much vehicles. The President of WICLU said that she saw government vehicles parked up on the French side at nights, while personnel of the finance department got a low score because they did not have government vehicles to execute their duties.

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