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Four Controllers sworn-in as extra-ordinary police officers.

fourcontrollerssworninasextraordinarypoliceofficers10042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday April 9, 2014, a brief swearing in ceremony was held at the Ministry of Justice's offices at A.Th. Illidge road, to officially recognize four controllers as extra-ordinary police officers at various departments within the Ministry of Public Health, Social development and Labor (Volkgezondheid, Sociale ontwikkeling en Arbeid (VSA), namely; officer Ms. Tamisha Priest, officer Mr. Leoudson Gijsbertha, the head of Health Dr. Earl Best, and SZV Inspector Parveen Boertje-Marhe. The officers recently successfully completed their extra-ordinary police training at the Sint Maarten Justice Academy.

The Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson congratulated the newly sworn in officers on their achievements and admonished them to embrace their new roles as extra-ordinary police officers in their functions as controllers. Also present at the ceremony was the Minister of Public Health, Social development and Labor Affairs the Honorable Dr. Cornelius De Weever including a member of his staff, staff of Ministers' cabinets and other colleagues of the newly sworn in officers.

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