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Minister Lake explains his back to basics approach surrounding the Emilio Wilson Estate Process.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Friday in a statement addressed his back to basics approach where it concerns the Emilio Wilson Estate.

"At the time of the Parliament meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2014, I stated that the letter with registration number 1114/10 was not registered. MP, Mr. William Marlin refuted this statement which brought about a long deliberation.

"As a representative of the people and the one mandated by the present Council of Ministers to execute certain decisions pertaining to the Emilio Wilson Estate, I took it upon myself to investigate the matter pertaining to the letter with registration number 1114/10.

"The Department of Records and Information Management (DIV) was contacted and asked to submit a report on the procedural course of the letter in question. The report submitted by the DIV Department is self-explanatory and clearly explains why at the time of my statement the letter in question could not be viewed by me or the Cabinet of the Minister of VROMI.

"Simply put, the document was not registered under the Minister of VROMI at the time because it was a decision taken by the Council of Ministers and executed (signed) by the then Minister William Marlin in the capacity of Acting Prime Minister; this is the reason why I could not find nor view the document at the time I made the statement.

"Why was it signed at the time by Minister Marlin on the letterhead of the Prime Minister I do not know; maybe MP Marlin can provide some clarity on the matter and explain to the people why he signed the letter and not the Prime Minister. I on the other hand have no further explanation to give about the registration of the letter in question because as I said the report is self-explanatory.

"Besides that the decision was taken in a Council of Minister meeting back in 2012. At that time the present Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA) were part of the coalition government which approved the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate. I Minister Maurice Lake accepted the position of Minister of VROIMI in 2013.

"For your perusal, I hereby submit a copy of the report to the Members of Parliament. This report was also discussed in the Council of Ministers meeting and with the support of the Council of Ministers I will be seeking the assistance of the SOAB agency to further investigate if proper procedures were followed with regards to the process for the intent to purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate and execution of the Council of Ministers decision dated July 6, 2012; MR060712 agenda point: 4.

"In closing on this matter I would however like to state the following: God is good, all is well. What I have noticed over the past weeks is that politics is being played with the intelligence of the people of Sint Maarten. I just want the people to stay focused.

"It's not really about the registration of the letter. It's about the procedures that we as representatives of the people follow; the decisions we make and the execution of these decisions, which if we are careless in our actions can put this country in very serious financial predicaments.

"In the case of the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate, it is my responsibility as the present Minister of VROMI to ensure that all the facts are in place before I commit government to such an enormous capital expenditure. I have addressed this issue to the Members of Parliament and the people of Sint Maarten in an open and transparent manner.

"Mr. Chairman, Government is continuous, and once a new Minister comes in office, all facts should be in place to continue the people's work. I am still trying to put the facts together. Yes, it was approved by the previous government and yes, this present government is bound to uphold the decision, but nevertheless I cannot be careless with the people's money!

"I do not take my position and the mandate given to me by the people of this country lightly. And, although the previous government made certain binding decisions which I am expected to execute, I reiterate, that I will not do so before I have all the facts straight and I am convinced that proper procedures were followed.

"Therefore it is my duty as a representative of the people to obtain a clear and objective overview of the process concerning the intent to purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate. I have been given a mandate by the Council of Ministers to execute matters pertaining to the Emilio Wilson Estate and I am committed to do so with all diligence, transparency and integrity," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Friday.

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