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MPs said Minister of VROMI Lied to Parliament --- UP Faction did not show up for meeting.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake was left alone with members of his staff on Friday when he appeared before Parliament to answer questions pertaining to the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate. At the opening of the parliamentary session Vice Chairman of Parliament Romaine Laville told parliament that he got notice of absence from all Members of Parliament representing the United People's Party. MP Laville said notice of absence was sent in by MPs Theodore Heyliger, Silvia Meyers, Jules James, and Johan Janchi Leonard. The announcement made by the chairman prompted MP Leroy de Weever to ask the chair if he got notification of absence from the entire UP faction with whom the DP has a coalition. Laville then read a letter signed by MP Silvia Meyers that was sent to Parliament Friday morning indicating that the Members of the UP faction was not going to attend the meeting called on Friday. As the meeting began three members of the UP Faction MP Theodore Heyliger, MP Johan Janchi Leonard and MP Jules James walked in to Parliament and took their seats.

Minister Maurice Lake came under fire on Friday during the continuation meeting for allegedly lying to Parliament when he told them that the agreement signed by former Minister of VROMI William Marlin was not booked in as required by law. Even though Minister Lake read the letter in its entirety he refused to give Members of Parliament a copy of the agreement which had the booking number on it.

Member of Parliament William Marlin outlined the events that took place during the first session of the meeting. Marlin said while Minister Lake told Parliament the agreement was not booked in Leader of the UP Theodore Heyliger was caught in the press room of Parliament showing some members of the media the agreement that had the booking number on it. MP Marlin said when he saw that he showed the UP leader the booking number and at that point MP Heyliger instructed his Minister not to submit the letter to Parliament. Marlin said MP George Pantophlet asked twice for that agreement "letter of intent" and up to Friday they did not get any of the documentation they asked for or the answers to the questions they asked a month ago. Marlin indicated during his address to parliament that the National Alliance Faction will present a motion during the second round. It was widely rumored that several Members of Parliament will vote a motion of no confidence against Minister Lake, well placed sources indicated to SMN News that Minister Lake inquired about the rumor last Tuesday during the Council of Ministers meeting.

Several of the Members of Parliament including Member of Parliament Louis Laveist and MP Hyacinth Richardson chided Minister Lake for lying to Parliament with regards to the agreement signed by former Minister William Marlin. Most MPs asked the Minister to provide them with all the agreements signed by government regarding the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate, they also asked for the verdict delivered by the Court of First Instance. Furthermore, they wanted to know if the harbor was going to purchase the estate and if government or the harbor has any intention to sell or lease the people's patrimony to Rainforest Adventure.

MP Laveist did not mingle with words when he told Minister Lake that he allowed a judge from The Hague to order him to do what is right for the people of St. Maarten while National Alliance set everything in motion for the purchase of the estate for the people of St. Maarten. Laveist said most of the people's patrimony was peddled off to friends and families of certain politicians. The ring road which is not yet completed was also given to friends and families of politicians, he assured Minister Lake that while all of that happened he can rest assure that they will not get to do the same with the Emilio Wilson Estate "I can assure you that will not happen to this Guava crop because the people of St. Maarten will rise to the occasion and claim what is theirs." He also wanted to know if government submitted an appeal and if the agreement they signed was to stall the process.

MP Roy Marlin indicated that the Ministers seems to forget that Parliament is supposed to overlook government. He told the Minister that they needed to start respecting Parliament and bring matters to them for discussion prior to committing government to agreements. MP Roy Marlin also asked for all documentation in order for the Democratic Party to take a decision on the Emilio Wilson Estate.

When given the opportunity to answer the questions posed by the Member of Parliament, Minister Lake asked for time since he needed time to gather information for parliament. Members of Parliament mostly from the National Alliance Faction did not take that easily, they said the Minister had one month to submit answers some of which he submitted after the meeting started. MP Pantophlet said he wanted the four letters, meaning the letter of intent signed by former Minister Marlin which Minister Lake said was not booked and the agreement signed after the court verdict.

The chairman of Parliament decided to adjourn the continuation of the meeting to Thursday next week where Minister Lake will have to provide parliament with the necessary documentation and answers to the questions posed to him on Friday.

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