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Huge Gathering at National Alliance Congress on Sunday --- Silveria Jacobs Elected Deputy Leader --- Cedric James President of NA Board.

nacongressattendants13042014BELAIR:--- The Belair Community Center was packed to its capacity Sunday afternoon as scores of National Alliance supporters turned out to the party's congress as they prepare for the 2014 parliamentary elections.

Keynote speaker for the event Riegnald Arrindell kept the gathering alive with his address as he impressed on the members of the National Alliance that they have to start building from within in order to develop St. Maarten. Arrindell reminded the gathering that the people of St. Maarten are capable of doing what they need to do when they have to do it. He said on September 5th, 1995 when the island was devastated by Hurricane Luis many countries sent private planes for their citizens and said St. Maarten was doomed. Arrindell said the people of St. Maarten showed their strength then and they rebuilt their country from within and brought the island back to what it is today. "The same strategy has to apply now because some politicians are not working for the interest of St. Maarten, most of them are enriching themselves. Therefore the membership of the National Alliance and its candidates have to build from within, do some soul searching in order to regain control of their country. Our people do best when their backs are placed against the wall."

Arrindell, a young student who returned from the Netherlands, shared his experience when he returned home. He said he had to sell mauby, clean yards and do other odd jobs before he could have found decent employment. Arrindell further stated that candidates have to make it their duty to keep the people informed while they also have to make financial contributions that will be beneficial to St. Maarten. Arrindell chided some media houses for writing biased news. He said soon the National Alliance would have to get their own newspaper going in order to properly inform its people of their day to day workings.

nadeputyleaderelection13042014Several committees such as the youth wing, the audit committee, and the advisory committee were all installed. Cedric James was elected president of the board along with the other six members that have been serving as interim members these past months. Among them is Dr. Randall Friday. The National Alliance honored 95 year old Mabel Scot with their lifetime award. Scot was unable to attend the congress on Sunday since she is currently hospitalized. Marlin presented the award to Scot's daughter, in presenting the award Marlin said Mabel Scot is a staunch supporter of the National Alliance for years. He said Scot never missed a meeting of the National Alliance whenever they are campaigning. He described her as a dedicated member and one that worked hard for the party.

Two of the National Alliance candidates vied for the deputy leader seat, they are Silveria Jacobs and Member of Parliament George Pantophlet. The delegates from the 16 districts cast their ballots for the election of the deputy leader. Of the 91 votes casts, Jacobs received 57 votes while Pantophlet 33 votes. William Marlin, long time leader of the National Alliance, was re-elected unanimously by the membership of the National Alliance. Apart from redesigning their logo, the National Alliance also did a remix of their theme song which was played live at the end of the congress.

Marlin in his address told the membership that the list he will present for the 2014 parliamentary elections will be much stronger than the one presented in 2010. He said that during the last four years there was some cleansing within the party, meaning that those persons that had to leave left, while those that jumped ship are still trying to swim ashore. Marlin said the National Alliance had a strong list in 2010 leading them to win the election but they lost the government because the two other parties teamed up and formed the government. "This time around our people have to work harder, we need to win at least 8 to 10 seats in order to have a stable government for the next governing period."

Marlin apologized to the many persons who could not enter the Belair Community Center because there was no space and to those who could not find parking. He said the last time when the general membership meeting was held at Westin some of the members complained because of the distance, this time around he tried to accommodate them but it turned out that the place was too small.

Marlin also held a moment of silence for the late Calypso Barbara who passed away last week prior to closing off the congress.

Click here to read the keynote speech given by Riegnald Arrindell.

Click here to view more photos.

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