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dpcongress13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A packed Cultural Center on Saturday last witnessed the election of a new board of the Democratic Party of St. Maarten against the backdrop of the party's new logo and to the music of the party's songs, adaptations of the popular tunes Blurred Lines and Get Lucky.

The executive board positions will be filled by 3 young professionals, with their roots well planted in the Democratic Party.

The charismatic Hasani Ellis contested the president's position unopposed, as did Stephan Richardson and Giselle York for the position of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Much praised was showered on the outgoing board under the leadership of its president, Mr. Michael Ferrier. This board, besides the President, made up of Treasurer Roy Marlin, act. Secretary Richelda Emmanuel-Rodriquez, Members Leopold York, Lourdes Brooks and Margaret Williams served the party since 2009 and in the words of the party leader: "were there for the party during some of it most trying times, but remained steadfast".

Eight members vied for the position of board members, from whom were elected: Margaret Williams, Mario Gumbs, Armand Meda, John Rosheuvel and Antonio Rogers.

Amongst other things, outgoing president, Michael Ferrier in his report to the membership, highlighted the "Red Thread" symbol of the Party, a symbol of progress, connectivity and continuity.

Both the Party leader and Minister of Health, Cornelius de Weever emphasized the consistency of the Democratic Party's representation in government since 2010. Most achievements in government can be credited to this continuity.

The Party leader, for her part, reminded the membership of their important role in the party's organization and reflected on the party's ideology as enshrined in its new charter. An ideology based on Christian and social-democratic values, the constitutional state, social cohesion and patriotism, and advancement for all.

The chairperson for the meeting was Mrs. Richelda Emmanuel-Rodriquez, while a 3-person election committee was responsible for the voting proceedings.

DP parliamentary faction leader, Roy Marlin also gave some insights on the current political arena.

Words like loyalty, pride and voluntarism in party matters were common themes in the different discourses.

The leader of the party that will be celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, made it clear that another focus of hers will be the grooming of a young breed to take over the leadership of the illustrious party, after her 20 years at the helm of the political institution that is credited for St. Maarten's unequaled economic growth, from obscurity to a player to be reckoned with. The party leader's own mark however will be on the attainment of country status in 2010 after years of denial and disappointments.

In her advice to the new board, the leader reminded the members that they have to hit the ground running, but that they can rely on her guidance and that of others within the party structure.

The DP leader also expounded on the matter of the election date and explained that given the historic connotations of the September 5th date, namely the anniversary of the devastating hurricane Luis, it would still be within the boundaries of the law to move the date ahead with one week, namely AUGUST 29TH 2014! This will be her recommendation in her capacity as Minister of General Affairs and responsible for elections.

Giving the evening an even more exciting twist was the mention of several candidates who will be contesting the election on the slate of the Democratic Party as well as nominations for such coming from the floor.

The Democratic Party is presently in the process of screening potential candidates, as well as ensuring that we have a broad representation of the wider population and of different sectors.

Click here to read Michael J. Ferrier's Outgoing Speech.

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