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President of Parliament Arrindell attends Executive Board of Directors Parlatino Meeting in Panama.

garrindellatparlatinoboardofdirectorsmeeting13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell led a delegation to Panama in connection with the board of directors meeting of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) where a number of issues were discussed.

One of the main issues deliberated upon was the situation in Venezuela. Delegates to the meeting were pleased to hear that the Permanent Bureau for International Peace is engaged and efforts are being made to work together to come to a solution.

"International organizations such as the United Nations as well as the Holy See, His Holiness, Pope Francis have also joined in welcoming the dialogue that has begun aimed at finding common ground with respect to the current challenges that Venezuela faces.

"We are wishing much success with the efforts of the Union of South American Nations which is supporting the process of bringing all sides to the table to find a solution," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Sunday.

President Arrindell also informed the delegates during the agenda point calendar of meetings that Sint Maarten was looking forward to hosting the committee meetings that will be taking place in May.

Parlatino member countries also expressed solidarity with Chile and the people in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that struck killing approximately 16 persons.

Proposals to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Latin American Parliament were discussed such as a meeting of female parliamentarians in the 21st century; meeting of youth in politics; poster contest; commemorative coins or postal stamps etc.

The main goal is to promote the participation of all countries. Each member country needs to set up a committee to coordinate activities in their own country to celebrate the 50th anniversary.

Another issue that was handled was television and social media (Twitter, Facebook) in order to bring Parlatino closer to the people in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With respect to monitoring and implementation of resolutions adopted at the XXIX Ordinary Meeting of Parlatino, Panama, October 2013, Parlatino Secretary General reminded the representatives present to make sure the resolutions are brought to the attention of their respective parliaments.

The proposal to have Parlatino framework laws adopted in the political agenda of their respective countries was tabled and approved.

The issue of Climate Change was also discussed and delegates were informed about two international documents related to the subject dating back to 1992 (summary paper on actions taken on climate change) and one from 1998 (Protocol of Kyoto).

The meeting of parliamentary delegates concluded with a visit and tour of the Panama Canal expansion project.

The Parlatino Executive Board of Directors meeting took place at the headquarters of the Latin American Parliament during the first week of April.

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