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Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Inaugurates Bocce Ball Court at Senior Citizens Recreational Center in Hope Estate.

swescotwilliamsinauguratesbocceballcourt14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams together with the Honorable Minister of Health, Labor and Social Development inaugurated the St. Maarten Senior Citizens Recreational Foundation Bocce Ball Court at Hope Estate. Bocce is a type of lawn bowling game that is very popular around the globe.

During her address the Prime Minister expressed her excitement at the newest addition to the activities for the seniors and encouraged them to make use of the court as much as possible; "I am very excited for this newest addition to your activities. This is a very important development and I therefore thank the Foundations that have worked together in making this a reality. It is important that we constantly look for new ways to keep you as involved and active as you can be. Some of you are going to be more proficient that others but it is not about winning; it is about doing it together and being able to have fun and in doing all of that to keep a little movement going. As I encourage those of us of all ages it is important to keep our bodies going and our heart rate at a certain level. So this gives you the opportunity to act, to move, to interact and to be part of the wonderful group of people that all of you are. I am very happy with this newest addition as Government looks for ways and means in keeping active and healthy. Enjoy it and keep one another motivated," stressed Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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