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CPS & AIDS Foundation Provide Red Cross with Condoms to Distribute for Carnival.

cpsandsafprovidecondomstoredcross14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A total of 3000 Durex condoms were given to Red Cross from the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) and the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation for free distribution during the upcoming Carnival Season. Red Eye Crew (REC) will also be assisting the Red Cross with the distribution of the condoms throughout J'ouvert Morning. "During this time of the year it is important to increase access to condoms among those participating in the festivities and making it easy to obtain them removes barriers to safe sex," said Kimberley Meijers, Community Projects Coordinator for the AIDS Foundation. "We thank the Red Cross and REC for helping with the distribution. I encourage all members of the community to be safe and to jam fully protected this Carnival Season," said Minister Cornelius De Weever.

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