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Library opens new Medialab Room on Thursday.

pjlmovietraderworkshop14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will officially open their Digikidz Medialab room on Thursday, April 17, at 7pm.

"The Digikidz Medialab is a newly built space in the library's reading room, equipped with modern Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment. This program was designed especially for courses in digital multimedia.

The medialab project is an initiative from Foundation Kultuurkameleon. The first medialab was realized in Curacao. In St Maarten, The Digikidz project was made possible through funding from the Windsong Foundation and the Kultura fund. Digikidz is a project from the Foresee foundation.

In the Medialab at the Library, course enrollees will learn how to use the internet, create movies, videos, games, make presentations, flyers, posters, interactive quizzes, animations and films, using innovative presentation and storytelling programs.

Last week, Ilse Godtschalk from Foundation Cultuurkameleon traveled from the Netherlands and conducted workshops on Movie Trader in the new medialab at the library. Participants in this workshop learned to search YouTube for relevant videos and learned to work with Movietrader software in order to make the movies interactive, using questions and answers. Participants were encouraged to come up with relevant questions and answers by using Google or Wikipedia. Godtschalk remarked that, "I am pleased to see how enthusiastic people are about this project. My Friday class was completely full and I was happy to see how eager everyone was to learn more about creating interactive movies."

Classes are available for schoolchildren and anyone that is interested in learning about the use of modern internet technologies and multimedia. The courses are free to students between 9 to 18 years of age, as well as Teachers. Persons 18 and older pay a contribution of $ 5 at the start of the workshop. Interested persons can call the library at 542-2970 and contact Annelies Starreveld or Joy Lambert for more information or register online at

All are invited to come and share in the celebration of the Library's new, innovative Digikidz Medialab room in the library on, Thursday, April 17th at 7:00 pm.

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