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Vote of No Confidence against the Members of Parliament of St. Maarten.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, April 14, 2014 with total astonishment St. Maarten was able to hear our members of parliament confirm to the general public that they are not worthy of their salaries. How is it possible that members of our parliament passed a law "the Law on the establishment of the electoral council" while they were part of the Island Council of St. Maarten and don't seems to have the slightest idea what the law entails.
"Half of the members of our parliament were members of the Island Council of St. Maarten when this law on the establishment of the Electoral Council was passed, says Lenny Priest Leader of the OSPP and the other half received a full package of all the laws that were passed when they were sworn in as members of Parliament. It is no excuse to hear the Leader of the UP stated that if you had disagreed with this law on the electoral council or any law as a matter of fact during the preparation of St. Maarten becoming a country within the Kingdom it would seem as if you were against separate status for St. Maarten. That statement is certainly bull crap and he must tell the people the truth, namely that he was not aware of what his function is as a member of parliament.
Wouldn't you say that you didn't do your home work while you were members of the Island Council passing several laws but not fully understanding them and after having enjoying the cockpit of opportunities in parliament for three years and a half you have bluntly refused to work in the interest of the people of St. Maarten. The impression that these members of parliament want the public to believe is that this electoral law was passed by somebody else and not them. Even though they were not part of the Island Council of St. Maarten when they were passed they had ample time to study them and not come on the eve of the election to make all kind of ridiculous excuses. This action of these members of parliament warrants nothing less than a vote of non-confidence against them. What more do these members of parliament have to display to the public; that they were not up to the task then and now even worst. Some of them will be knocking on your doors for re-election after their lackluster performance in parliament. Can you imagine that they have created a law that is making it even difficult for them as established party to register, let alone the new comers who don't have the machinery and capital at their disposal? A change must come and it must come fast.

OSPP Press Release

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