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USM presents SER staff with certificates of completion for participating in Advance Policy Writing (APW) course.

usmpresentsserstaffwithcertificatesofcompletion17042014HARBOR VIEW:--- On Monday, the University of St. Martin presented to the Management and staff of the Social Economic Council (SER) certificates of completion for participating in a tailor-made Advance Policy Writing (APW) course.

This APW course was a joint project between USM and SER after meeting several times and determining what the SER wanted and what the USM could provide.

Through the many instructors, the Dean of Academic of the University of St. Martin Francio Guadeloupe said, we can tailor-make courses, classes, and workshops to Government, Business sector and the general Public. This course is one of many specialized certificates that USM offers in areas as diverse as business, languages, hospitality, and education. These specialized certificates are part of the new USM's vision plan to contribute to the process of upgrading Sint Maarteners who are already part of the existing workforce. This is about combining lifelong learning with the broadening of the social awareness of the entire population. It is about education as enabling conscientious citizenship on all levels.

For one month, twice a week, SER management and staff sat through the course which dealt with improvement of writing skills, critical thinking, rhetorical aspects, policy and composition.
In sessions stretching from Monday and Thursday, valuable information was exchanged and experiences were discussed. The staff of the SER was represented by Secretary-general, Gerard Richardson, legal advisor, Daniƫlle Choennie-Babel, office manager Ursela Salomon and Policy worker, Bas Peters.

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