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Business Outreach & Placement Program preparation in full force.

Registration now open to students and businesses

GREAT BAY:--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports, the Honorable Mrs. Patricia Lourens through the Department of Youth Affairs is excited to announce that application forms for the Business Outreach and Placement Program (BOPP) 2014 have been made available to students at the various High Schools on St. Maarten.

The primary objective of this program is to offer students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge into a practical workplace experience for a four- week period during the month of July. The applicants eligible for this program must adhere to the criteria of being a pre-exam or exam students aged 16 and older of secondary schools and tertiary level education.

As part of the program, all participating students will be offered training to enhance their overall skills and competences which will be necessary for the workplace. While this will benefit both the students and placement companies alike, the emphasis is placed however on ensuring that the student obtains a practical training experience based on their future career ambition.
Training workshops will be given on office etiquette, work ethics, business skills and a motivational session to teach students the importance of pursuing their highest goals. Upon successful completion of this training, certificates of participation will be issued to all students. Subsequently, once the students have been placed, the department will monitor each student's progress by reviewing weekly performance evaluations from their supervisors and by conducting site visits to see how they are coping in the program.

This year, the BOPP program will mark its 16th anniversary in existence and the program is scheduled to run from July 7th through August 1st, 2014. The Government is pleased with the way in which the program has developed over the years. Companies acknowledged for their committed annual support are the Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort, Bank of Nova Scotia, St. Maarten Cable TV and NAPA who have participated in the BOPP for many consecutive years. Last year, there were also some new companies joining the program such as Dijtham Paints, Algemeen Pensioenfonds St. Maarten (APS), Nature's Discount, Versant Accounting and, Simpson Bay Resort Marina. This demonstrates that the private sector is slowly but surely responding to the program. It is anticipated that more companies will join the program this year as several new commitments from local businessmen have been made already to provide more placement opportunities for the youth".

The Minister of Youth Affairs urges business owners to participate in the program and support the youth as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to the community. Businesses that are willing to participate or seek more information can contact the department of Youth Affairs for further information at telephone number: 542-2056/ 5423873 or via fax: 54-20643 or send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Students wishing to apply in this work experience program can do so by visiting their school guidance counselor's office for an application form or pass by the Department of Youth Affairs. All student application forms must be submitted to the Department of Youth Affairs located in the Vlaun Building, across from the Post Office no later than Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.

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