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UTS supports International Track & Field Meet.

utsdonatestofoundationforlimitlesscooperation17042014PHILIPSBURG:--- UTS has pledged its support to the International Track and Field Meet which will be held at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill on May 3rd. The event is being hosted by the Government of St. Maarten, the Speedy Plus Club and the Foundation for Limitless Cooperation. The event will be held at the newly renovated complex and will attract track and field athletes of international caliber and also showcase the athletic skills of local athletes. UTS' contribution will assist the club with prize monies for the competing athletes. "We are happy to support this event, as it is one that will bring international talent and attention to the island and also provide our local athletes with a platform to show what they are capable of," said UTS Marketing & Communication Officer, Ivy Lambert. "As a company we try to support government and local foundations in their endeavor to promote active and wholesome activities in the community. The benefits of developing these activities on a larger level are exponential to the local population and economy. We wish all athletes that will be competing much success," Lambert continued.

UTS Press Release

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