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walterhellebrandhandingmonumentsfoundationssuggestiontowilbertsolte20042014ORANJESTAD, St. Eustatius:--- At the farewell reception organized on St. Eustatius for Dutch Kingdom Representative for the Caribbean Netherlands Wilbert Stolte, the St. Eustatius Monuments Foundation (SEMF) handed him a suggestion to leave a tangible positive legacy on the island. Monuments Director Walter Hellebrand reminded Stolte how in 2012 he emphatically stated that Dutch construction company NMO Vervat would pay for the damage that they caused to an 18th century wall and outhouse that the company seriously damaged when laying the water distribution pipes in the center of historical Oranjestad, the capital of St. Eustatius. The suggestion of the SEMF is that Stolte sticks to his assurance made at the time of the visit to St. Eustatius of then caretaker vice-prime minister of the Netherlands, Maxime Verhagen, and arranges for the historical structure to be repaired.

The wall that NMO Vervat caused to collapse is part of a historical compound within the Urban Conservation Area of Oranjestad and doubles as one of the walls of an 18th century brick outhouse, one of only four remaining on the island. It lies, still fallen and broken, on the route of the touristic historical walking tour through the town's historic core.

The project for the water distribution network on St. Eustatius was financed with European funds handled through USONA (Foundation for the Development of the Netherlands Antilles). Stolte was treasurer of USONA between 2008 and 2011.

Hellebrand: "It would really be a positive gesture and lasting legacy if Stolte would arrange for the damage to be repaired – as he assured would happen back in 2012. This very special example of 18th century domestic culture on St. Eustatius has so far been left broken. We hope the same does not apply to his promise."

St. Eustatius Monuments Foundation Press Release

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