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UP congratulates Ombudsman Nilda Arduin-Lynch on being named Woman of Great Esteem.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The United People's Party (UP) leader and board would like to take this opportunity to congratulate High Council of State Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch for being named Woman of Great Esteem by the Board of Directors of the Woman of Great Esteem Organization.

Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch will be honoured on May 3rd in New York City at the 18th Annual Edition of the Women of Great Esteem Emerald Awards ceremony.

The award is given to women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religiosity, gender, age or national origin.

"Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch is the country's first ombudsman and the third woman from the country to be honoured by the Woman of Great Esteem Organization.

"The UP family is very pleased that another Sint Maartener has been recognized and honoured for the work that they do within the country's society. Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch is very well known for her work as a scholar and lawyer. We join the Sint Maarten community in congratulating her," UP Party leader and board said on Monday.

UP President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell was also named Woman of Great Esteem a few years ago as well as Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams.

United People's (UP) Party Board

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