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OSPP says don’t shut out the workers.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The OSPP board is somewhat shock after learning that the Telem workers marched to the government administration building to deliver a letter to the government voicing their concerns about a possible merger with UTS. The Board of the OSPP would like to advise the government of St. Maarten in particular the Prime Minister as Shareholder Representative of Telem N.V. to meet with the workers of Telem NV and to address their concerns. It is only normal that with such a drastic move that the workers want more information. The OSPP was under the impression that the government had sat with the workers of Telem N.V. and informed them of their plans and secondly to have allowed them to appoint a representative on the negotiating team. After all, the lively hood of the workers of Telem N.V. with any possible merger is at stake and the government ought to take that into consideration. Sometimes the government must lead by example in order to show the private sector that there is a good way to do things in these modern times and that all will benefit from a win, win, win situation.
The Board of the OSPP is very surprised that the government is shutting out the workers of Telem NV in this manner and we strongly condemn this way of doing business. The workers in our opinion have a right to be concerned and you and I would be too if we were in their position. As a new political party we are looking forward to meeting with the board of the telecommunication union to address this serious issue about the possible merger between Telem NV and UTS. A change must come and it must come now.

OSPP Press Release

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