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SMSPA discusses concerns and observations related to seniors with COM.

smspameetswithcom23042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- On April 17th, the St. Maarten Seniors and Pensioners Association (SMSPA) discussed the organization's concerns and observations regarding the standard of living of seniors on St. Maarten with the Council of Ministers (COM).

SMSPA's presentation was titled 'What seniors need to have a Happy New Year 365 days of the year'. In the presentation SMSPA's President, Patricia Flanders, touched upon the issues regarding Health, Pension, Cost of Living, Transportation and Housing relating to seniors' experiences in their daily lives.

In the second half of the presentation Raymond Jessurun, 1st Vice-President of SMSPA, discussed the 'Right to adequate standard of living' and the 'Right to non-discrimination' as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how these rights are applicable to the elderly. The SMSPA states that the Kingdom of the Netherlands is responsible for attaining equality throughout the Kingdom, not only for the children as discussed at the last Kingdom Conference, but also for the elderly in ensuring that the basic human rights are guaranteed.

SMSPA announced that they have taken the initiative to form a Consumers Coalition. The main objectives of the Consumer Coalition are to improve the health and well-being of consumers in St. Maarten; to promote quality and affordability of all products and services in St. Maarten; to increase the purchasing power of consumers and to defend the rights of consumers in St. Maarten (both residents and visitors alike).

SMSPA stated that they are contacting all social organizations in St. Maarten, requesting them to become part of the Consumers Coalition.

The COM applauds SMSPA's initiative and is willing to assist the organization. The Council encourages SMSPA to coordinate its efforts with the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications.

The COM, represented by the Prime Minister/ Minister of General Affairs Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor Hon Cornelius de Weever and the Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Infrastructure & Environment Hon. Maurice Lake, took note of all the concerns and possible solutions proposed by the SMSPA.

Some of the issues mentioned were already looked into by the Government, stated the Council. The other issues are taken note of and will be addressed.

The COM said that input and feedback by the seniors is important and necessary in order to realize structural lasting solutions in order to address the issues at hand. Both parties agreed that quick fixes would only result in short term relief.

The results of the elderly survey, which was conducted in 2013 on behalf of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, is used to base the new plans and policies on.

The Council strongly believes that it is necessary to base the new plans and policies as much as possible on factual data and not on assumptions. The SMSPA was assured that the Government is working hard to accomplish actual relief and assistance for the seniors of St. Maarten.

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