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Minister Commends Workers and Employers on World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

cdeweever19082012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever of Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, commends workers and employers on the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work observed internationally on 28 April.

"Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work," is the theme for the 2014 World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

An International Labour Organization (ILO) report shows that while chemicals can be useful, necessary steps should be taken and control potential risks for workers, work places, communities and the environment.

Minister De Weever of Public Health in his 'Get Checked' campaign is appealing to employers, especially those that utilize chemicals in their daily operations, to review safety and health in the use of chemicals at work.

Chemicals are key to healthy living and modern convenience. They range from pesticides that improve the extent and quality of food production, to pharmaceuticals that cure illnesses, and cleaning products that help establish hygienic living conditions. Chemicals are also critical in many industrial processes for developing products important to global standards of living.

Chemicals pose a broad range of potential adverse effects, from health hazards such as cancers and physical hazards like flammability, to environmental hazards such as widespread contamination and toxicity to aquatic life. Many fires, explosions, and other disasters result from inadequate control of chemicals' physical hazards.

Significant progress has been made concerning the regulation and management of chemicals in the field of occupational safety and health but more needs to be done. Serious incidents continue to happen and there are still negative impacts on both human and health and the environment in different parts of the world.

Workers who are directly exposed to hazardous substances should have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment and be properly informed, trained and protected, and this is the route that business in the country should continue to maintain and further improve upon, Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever said on Monday.

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