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South Reward Community Council General Meeting a Success!

Minister will look into Community Center with playground for the South Reward Residences

SOUTH REWARD:--- The general meeting for the South Reward Community Council held last week August 13th, 2014 was a great success. This meeting had nothing to do with Politics that night. It was about the community and the concerns of the residences.
The attendee's of the meeting were Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake, S. Pauletta from the Fire Department, F. Richards, the Community Police Officer, G. Richardson from Meadowlands, and Danette Mc Rae-Gumbs from the Mental Health Foundation.
At the meeting a presentation was given by Danette Mc Rae-Gumbs from the Mental Health Foundation with respect to mental health; S. Pauletta from the Fire Department also provided important information on fire safely and prevention, while F. Richards, the area's Community Police Officer provide information on crime prevention and G. Richardson from Meadowlands also provided information on garbage collection in the area.
The community took the opportunity to participate in the interactive discussion in the Questions and Answer segment of the night where they asked varies of questions to the respected guest. A large number of youths came out and participated as well by asking about activities for the youths in the Area.
The South Reward community was very pleased and thankful for the forum and the guest speakers that night but was especially grateful that the Hon. Maurice Lake was present during the meeting to listen to their concerns. They were impressed with the fact that the Minister will be using his "Back to Basics" approach to deal with their common issues such as maintenance of the street lights, cleaning of the trenches, fixing of the bad roads in the area and actively seeking a solution for the running water which has plagued the South Reward community for years.
The Minister mentioned that he will be looking into the possibility for the South Reward residents to have their very own Community Center with playground, basketball court and a garden for agriculture in the near future.
The Community Council's Secretary Travis McQuilkin and Board Member, George Peterson was very happy with the turn out and the participation of the community during the meeting. Travis McQuilkin said he is looking forward to future improvement and developments in the area in the near future with the support of the Minister Hon. Maurice Lake.

SRCC Press Release

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