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TelCell Breakthrough organizers open SMS voting for upcoming talent search event.

telembreakthroughtalentfinalists25082014GREAT BAY:--- TelCell customers are being invited to get in on the search for St. Maarten's top talented youngsters by voting for favourite performer in the upcoming TelCell Breakthrough talent search event.
TelCell Breakthrough will be staged at the Casino Royale, Maho, on September 27, with 25 performers competing in four different categories.
A panel of judges will name the eventual winners in front of a packed audience on the night of the contest, but before that, organizers of the event want members of the public to have their say, and vote for their own winner and favourite act long before the artists go on stage. The final results will be announced on the night of the contest.
"All they have to do is send in an SMS message to 8844 stating the contestant number of their favourite act. They can send in as many votes as they want and at any time of the day," said co-organizer of the event Ms. Angel Richardson.
The names of the finalists and their numbers are:

  1. Rumari Rogers
  2. Michelle Sullivan
  3. Paul Brown
  4. Stefano Maietti
  5. Dylan Jospeh
  6. Brandon Potmis
  7. Tommy Lee Busby
  8. Rijkman Hodge ...
  9. Tristan Defoe ...
  10. Generation New Status (GNS STM) 10
  11. Tevin Williams
  12. Renaldo Connor Jr.
  13. Angelica Brown
  14. Quan Gordon
  15. Arias-4 ( Ismae van Greuningen, Francia Adamus, Kimberly van Heyningen, Khadija Joseph)
  16. Latanisha Jasaron
  17. Yash Daryani
  18. Sabrina Gourdet
  19. Adriano Lake
  20. Deveny Elferink
  21. Serenity Martinus
  22. Sha-Neisha Gijsbertha
  23. Sinatra Bauld
  24. Joey Erato
  25. Zack Phipps

"As we saw last year, the SMS poll will help to keep interest, excitement and anticipation for the show leading all the way up to the finals," Ms. Angel Richardson.
"It's a lot of fun and it really gives the performers a boost knowing that there are fans out there already rooting for them," she said.

TELEM Press Release

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