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Prime Minister Wescot-Williams Bids Farewell To Local Young Cricketer.

swescotwilliamsbidsfarewelltoshaquillemartina03092014AIRPORT:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams bid farewell to local young promising cricketer Shaquille O'Neil Martina at the Princess Juliana International Airport on Wednesday. Martina is on his way to Barbados where he was offered a full-ride scholarship to play on the University of the West Indies' Combined College Campus Team, one of the premier cricket training teams in the world. "I am very proud of Shaquille for his accomplishments. He in fact turned down a scholarship to study in the Netherlands to pursue his dream of playing cricket and representing St. Maarten in doing so. I am sure that we will hear and see many more good things from Shaquille in the future," commented Wescot-Williams. Martina will be pursuing his degree in General Management while at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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