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Message from Minister Cornelius de Weever.

cdeweever07092014THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Words cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude to all of you- for your support of me and my election campaign. It was your encouraging words that got me through many long days and nights with minimal sleep. Thank you to the 378 voters who put their faith in me to help build St. Maarten; I assure you that I will continue to work for you. Together NA, DP and USP will work in the interest of the people. I urge you all to hold us accountable for our actions and play your part as active citizens of our island. I would like to extend a special thank you to my family who were my rock throughout this campaign. To my Cabinet staff and campaign team for their hard work and support- I could have never done this without you. To the Management Team and staff at the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA)- thank you for the level of commitment and dedication you put into the Ministry each and every day. Your work has been essential to the general reform of government and was a key factor in determining the outcome of this election. We could not have achieved what we have achieved if we didn't work as a team. So a special thank you to TEAM VSA!
I also would like to thank the Democratic Party and our Leader Sarah Wescot-Williams for granting me the opportunity to be a part of team DP. Warm-hearted congratulations goes out to all the candidates who ran in this year's election. I commend you all for taking a risk and shedding so many different lights on the issues we all face as St. Maarteners. Campaigning is not easy and as a first time candidate, I am keenly aware of the pressure, the insecurities, and the will power it takes. Therefore I commend each and every one of you, including those of the NA, USP, UPP, SRP and OSPP, for stepping up to the challenge.
To all the candidates-elect who were successful in securing enough votes to represent the people of St. Maarten in Parliament, we have a lot of work ahead of us. Let us make integrity and stability an integral part of the process. With that and a cooperative spirit, together we will elevate government and make St. Maarten proud.

V. H. Cornelius de Weever
Minister & Minister-elect

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